The Basics of Concrete Coring

Concrete coring (or concrete drilling) is the procedure of removing a full cylinder of concrete from inside the structure without disturbing the adjacent area. It can be used to install pipes underground, or to install machinery on the ground. It can also be used to remove piping and wiring located underground. There are numerous applications across a wide range of industrial sectors, such as electrical, plumbing, manholes, hydraulic, HVAC, etc.

Concrete Coring

In order to carry out concrete coring, a drill is required that is capable of bearing the weight and pressure that are placed on the coring when it is being drilled. This is especially true in cases where drilling through solid and semisolid materials is a pre-requisite. When concrete coring is carried out using a drill press, a single large hole of up to three feet in diameter is created where the concrete coring will be installed. There is then an additional step of setting up a series of holes around the perimeter of the drill hole using either rubber or plastic coring inserts to guide the holes. This second stage of installation is known as ‘curing’. Curing ensures that the concrete holes are well positioned, and the drilling operation can continue unhindered for a long time.

Different types of concrete coring are employed for different purposes. While vertical concrete floors are designed to support heavy weights on their surfaces without moving during the operation of drilling, horizontal ones are used for normal day-to-day applications. Horizontal corings are set between two adjacent holes of equal height; however, these may be set directly above or below a vertical hole. Lateral positioning of a horizontal coring is dependent on the type of soil that is present in the area, and is often a pre-requisite in areas that have clay soil or rocky soil.

It is important to note that while vertical concrete coring is a good choice for increasing the usable load capacity of floors, it may not have the potential to handle heavier loads. This can be solved by placing heavier loads on a coring that has a lower diameter. If you need a larger diameter drill, it is advisable to go for a jackhammer so that you can increase the diameter of the drill bit. It is also advisable to invest in a high quality drill bit with a premium diamond blade for greater efficiency. A professional would also suggest that you use a drill bit with a smaller diameter so that you can ensure that the concrete coring is properly set on the floor.

A key role in the proper functioning of the concrete lining lies in the ability of the material to absorb and hold up against stress. For this reason, the size of holes that are drilled in a typical concrete coring is determined by the amount of stress that these particular floors will have to bear. The size of these holes must also be based on the volume of concrete that needs to be filled inside the holes. Finally, the size of these holes must be in proportion to the structural design of the building that they are meant to cover.

Once you have decided on the type of concrete coring that you want to install, it is important to find a professional contractor who is qualified to do so. The easiest way to do this is to contact a general contractor who will be able to give you the best advice on what type of concrete cores to use and how to go about installing them. If you have decided to use water absorption as your concrete core choice, it is important to note that water absorption comes at a cost. In order to get the best value for your money, you should get water absorption cores that will not add substantially to your overall construction costs. You should also be aware that water absorption does not have any significant impact on the strength of a building as it is a natural process that takes time to take effect.